What is What?
Collagen is one of the key structure proteins of the human organism. It bundles up into larger, very inelastic networks of skin fibres with high tensile strength which stabilise not only the skin but also the teeth, bones, ligaments and cartilage tissues.
Collagen light therapy
What can you expect from collagen light therapy?
Every day, our skin is exposed to many different environmental influences which accelerate the natural ageing of our skin as we grow older. The skin changes, becomes less flexible and develops wrinkles.
One cause of this ageing process are the structure proteins collagen and elastin: damage to the collagen fibres will diminish the skin's tautness while changes to elastin fibres will make the skin lose its elasticity.
Stimulate natural processes
This is exactly where long-wave red light proves its worth: skin under collagen light therapy is exposed to long-wave red light at wavelengths between 590 and 640 nanometres. It penetrates deeply into the skin to where collagen and elastin are. There it stimulates natural regeneration processes, such as those which occur with injuries. Aged skin structures are degraded, the elastin is loosened up and deposits removed from it. As a result, the fibres regain their original elasticity and new, taut collagen fibres start to develop.
Effects are visible after just eight sessions.
If applied regularly, red light will favourably alter the appearance of the skin.
The recommended time per session is 10 to 20 minutes. Treatment should start with two sessions per week. Later on, the frequency of the weekly sessions may be increased to three. A complete light therapy cycle should take 8 to 10 weeks because the skin needs that time to develop improved structures. Visible improvements are reported after about eight sessions when the skin begins to look smoother, refreshed and healthier. Dark circles around the eyes are also reduced.
Elastin is another major structure protein which – as its name suggests – makes the skin elastic. Elastin fibres bundle up into larger networks of fibres which may be stretched to twice their length. Elastin fibres are part of the skin but are also present in the lungs and the blood vessels.