
Information according to § 5 TMG:

JW Sales GmbH | Kölner Straße 8 | 70376 Stuttgart
Trade register: HRB 721876
Register court: Local court Stuttgart

Management: Stefan Dressendörfer | Peter Verbeek

VAT ID: DE812670194
Business ID: 99046/13747

Phone: +49(0) 711 – 54 004 – 0 | Fax: +49(0) 711 – 54 004 – 55 | Email:

Responsible for content:
Stefan Dressendörfer | Peter Verbeek

Contact Privacy Officer: Susanne Hörmann | Kölner Straße 8 | 70376 Stuttgart

The information published on these web sites, including documents, drawings, illustrations and schematics, has been prepared by JW Sales GmbH with due diligence and care. However, JW Sales GmbH makes no warranties as to its topicality, accuracy and completeness and disclaims any liability in connection with its use. This disclaimer of liability applies, in particular, to any links which are directly or indirectly referred to on the internet web sites of JW Sales GmbH. JW Sales GmbH will in no way be liable for any direct or indirect damages, especially not for lost profit, which may arise from the use and existence of the information, documents, drawings, illustrations and schematics on these web sites, and in particular not for damages caused by a virus in the information opened by you.

If, in departure from the foregoing, any statutory or contractual liability of JW Sales GmbH is presumed, then such liability is limited in substance to damages caused intentionally or by gross negligence and - in the event that such liability is mandatory in the case of slight negligence - in amount to the sum of EURO 12,500.00 per each user. The foregoing limitations of liability do not apply to any liability of JW Sales GmbH under the German Product Liability Act.

JW Sales GmbH reserves the right to modify, amend or supplement, at any time, any of the information, documents, drawings, illustrations and schematics provided on these web sites. JW Sales GmbH also reserves the right to modify the products published on these web sites and to deliver them in a different engineering design if this is deemed to serve the technological progress.

The information, documents, drawings, illustrations and schematics published on these web sites are the sole and exclusive property of JW Sales GmbH and are protected by copyrights. JW Sales GmbH hereby grants the right to store, copy or reproduce the content of these web sites in whole or in part to the extent required for the initiation of business relations with JW Sales GmbH.

Other product or service names or logos referenced on this website are  trademarks or registered trademarks of Heraeus Noblelight GmbH. It is not permitted to use the trademarks without the prior written consent of JW Sales GmbH. All other trademarks mentioned on this web site are the property of their respective owners.

Trademarks of Heraeus Noblelight GmbH used on this website include:

Original Hanau SunCare®

Note for Original Hanau tanning lamps, tubes and systems:Use of Original Hanau Tanning lamps and tubes only under consideration of equipment type as well as individual skin type. All data published has been determined by measurements made in the laboratory under standard conditions. Values given for the fall-off in UVA output and the guaranteed operating life are for the 20 hour value and relate to operation under conditions determined by JW Sales GmbH and power switching of 25 minutes on / 5 minutes off. The sun erythema factor was determined for a single tube in a distance of 25 cm. Operation according to the technical data sheet.

The UV Guarantee relates to an operating life of 700 hours with a maximum fall-off in UVA output of 20% for MagicSun lamps, 600 hours with a maximum fall-off of UVA output of 30% for NewColors products and 500 hours with a maximum fall-off of 30% UVA output for Classics tanning lamps. Not covered by the guarantee are products damaged by misuse or external actions. The guarantee applies only provided that the lamp was operated in the equipment for which it has been designed. JW Sales GmbH reserves the right to take back and change damaged goods. A replacement product will be supplied in the event of a successful claim.

As well as the many positive and desired effects, there are also certain risks associated with sun bathing, both in natural sun and in solaria. UV radiation, especially excessive or improper use of UV radiation, may lead to sunburn (UV-erytherm), damage to eyes (conjunctivitis, inflammation of the cornea or cataracts) and premature aging of the skin. Repeated extreme exposure may cause skin cancers. The use of certain medications or cosmetic products can increase the skin's sensitivity to UV radiation. Tanning lamps emit infrared radiation as well as UV. Infrared radiation, with improper use, can damage eyes (thermal retinal damage, damage to cornea and lenses, cataracts) and skin (IR erythem and burning). Always follow our operating instructions.

Consulting and programming:
cytrus GmbH - Your partner for webdesign,
CMS Typo3 and SEO